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Introducing power-assisted liposuction with the MicroAire PAL, a precise and effective solution for fat extraction, body contouring, and fat harvesting. Dr. Z, our board-certified plastic surgeon, specializes in this procedure, offering fat reduction and fat transfers for those seeking improved body aesthetics and refined contours with liposuction.

Suction Away Excess
Fat & Elevate Contours

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure to remove stubborn pockets of fat from various body areas. Using the power-assisted liposuction technique with the MicroAire PAL-650, Dr. Z can precisely target and suction away excess fat, helping to sculpt and enhance your body contours. Whether you desire a slimmer waistline, more defined arms, or a smoother silhouette, liposuction can be a transformative solution for those seeking to eliminate localized fat deposits and achieve a more balanced and proportionate figure.

Liposuction Corrects:

  • Stubborn fat deposits
  • Lack of body symmetry
  • Disproportionate contours
  • Excessive fat in specific areas
  • Areas unresponsive to diet and exercise
  • Excess fat deposits in areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, and neck

Benefits of Power-Assisted Liposuction:

  • Precise and targeted fat removal
  • Reduced trauma to surrounding tissues
  • Faster recovery time compared to traditional liposuction
  • Improved body contouring and sculpting
  • Consistent and predictable results
  • Versatility for treating small or large areas
  • Minimized bruising and swelling
  • Enhanced patient comfort during the procedure

Sculpt & Chisel Your Body Into Shape

Liposuction offers a transformative opportunity to sculpt and chisel your body into the desired shape. With the precision of power-assisted liposuction using the MicroAire PAL-650 and the expertise of Dr. Z, you can eliminate stubborn fat deposits and achieve refined contours. Whether you seek a slimmer waistline, toned arms, or a sculpted abdomen, liposuction can help you attain the body you’ve always desired.

The Details Of Your Liposuction Procedure

Pre-Operative Guidelines:

  • Consult with Dr. Z to discuss your goals and expectations.
  • Follow any specific dietary instructions provided by the surgeon.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption for a designated period before the procedure.
  • Discontinue certain medications or supplements as advised by Dr. Z.
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home after the surgery.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing on the day of the procedure.
  • Adhere to fasting instructions regarding food and drink before surgery.
  • Ensure you have someone available to assist you during the initial recovery period.
woman during consultation for thigh lift in NYC

The Surgical Steps:

  • You will be administered anesthesia to ensure your comfort during the procedure.
  • Dr. Z will make small incisions in the targeted areas for fat extraction.
  • A cannula connected to the MicroAire PAL-650 will be inserted through the incisions.
  • The power-assisted technique will be employed to break up and suction out excess fat.
  • Dr. Z will carefully sculpt and contour the treated areas for improved aesthetics.
  • The incisions may be sutured or left to heal on their own.
  • Compression garments may be applied to aid in post-operative healing and reduce swelling.
  • You will be provided with detailed aftercare instructions to follow for optimal recovery.

Aftercare Guidelines:

  • Follow all post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Z for proper healing and recovery.
  • Take prescribed medications as directed to manage pain and prevent infection.
  • Wear compression garments to minimize swelling and support the treated areas.
  • Keep the incision sites clean and dry to promote healing and prevent complications.
  • Avoid strenuous activities and exercise for the recommended duration to allow healing.
  • Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with Dr. Z to monitor your progress.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet to maintain your results.
  • Contact Dr. Z if you experience severe pain, excessive bleeding, or any signs of infection.

The Recovery Process After Liposuction

After your liposuction procedure, you can expect a gradual recovery process. Initially, you may experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which will subside over time. It is important to follow Dr. Z’s aftercare instructions, including wearing compression garments and avoiding strenuous activities. Most patients can resume normal daily routines within a week or two, but individual recovery times may vary. Remember to attend follow-up appointments to ensure a smooth healing process and optimal results.

Results: What Can I Expect?

Following your liposuction procedure, you can anticipate seeing initial improvements in your body contours within a few weeks as swelling subsides. However, it may take several months for the full results to become apparent as your body heals and adjusts. With a healthy lifestyle and weight maintenance, liposuction results can be long-lasting. While the procedure permanently removes fat cells, you must maintain a balanced diet and exercise routine to preserve refined contours.

Contact Dr. Z

Dr. Z, our esteemed, board-certified expert in cosmetic and reconstructive microsurgery, welcomes you to schedule a consultation. With over 15 years of experience, Dr. Z runs a selective, boutique practice, ensuring a personalized and attentive approach to each patient. Experience a concierge level of care as Dr. Z guides you through the liposuction process, addressing your concerns and tailoring the procedure to your unique goals. Take the first step toward achieving your desired body contours, and contact Dr. Z today.

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